Locals and visitors alike can take comfort in the down to earth Czech pubs that attract customers from all corners of civilization.
From Czech construction workers to Australian businessmen, these dark-wooded, smoky, beer serving establishments are unbeatable when it comes to price and atmosphere.
Jelinkova Plzenska Pivnice
Charvátova 1
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 948 486
Plzensky Restaurant Anděl
Nádražní 60
150 00 Praha 5
Phone: +420 257 323 234
Pivnice U Rudolfina
Křižovnická 10
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 222 328 758
Pivnice U Zlatého Tygra
Husova 17
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 229 020
U Hrocha
Thunovská 20
118 00 Praha 2
Phone: +420 222 516 978
U Pinkasů
Jungmannovo Naměsti 15
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 221 111 150
U Vejvodů
Jilska 4
110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 219 999